
I have served as:

— Chile’s country expert for the Freedom House since 2016

— Consultant for the American government on Latin American politics

— Court expert witness (I have assessed life prospects in different societies)                                    

— Speaker for foreign universities

— Electoral observer 

Areas of Specialization:

1. Comparative Analysis

My research centers on comparing elite behavior and institutions. As a comparativist, I have experience in measuring the impact that the characteristics of individuals and institutional, economic, political, social, and cultural factors have on a range of political phenomena. This expertise allows me to compare countries, cities, institutions, and individuals.

2. Political Leadership

National political leaders can impact the lives and livelihoods of large swaths of society. Understanding how the individual differences of politicians shape their behavior and decisions can improve leadership selection and assessment, facilitating democratic representation and accountability.

3. Latin American Politics

Individuals and organizations who want to become involved in Latin America should understand the complex relations between politics, economy, culture, and society.

4. Institutional Design and Change

Much of human interaction is structured in terms of formal and informal rules that constrain and enable our behavior. Understanding the consequences of institutional design and change can improve the performance of individuals and organizations.